Terminology and Definition

Application Programming Interface (API)

A set of clear rules that allow external software or computers to access data or procedures.

Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)

Member-owned organizations are described as transparent and programming code with no centralized leadership.

Online Transaction Process (OLTP)

A type of data processing that executes multiple simultaneous transactions, such as online banking, shopping, and order entry.

Blockchain as a Service (BaaS)

A service that enables network connectors to build, host, and use their own blockchain apps, smart contracts, and the capabilities of a company-developed blockchain infrastructure using cloud computing solutions.

Production Data Store (ODS)

A type of database that collects data from multiple sources for processing data and then transfers the data to the operating system and data warehouse.

High Availability

Information systems such as servers, networks, and programs continue to operate normally in computer systems for a considerable period of time.

System Files (SYS)

System files used in Windows OS and MS-DOS applications, consisting of drivers on the device, etc.

Enterprise Resource Management (ERP)

Systems that automate and manage business processes across operations, including finance, manufacturing, supply chain, and personnel.

Online Analysis Processing (OLAP)

Software for fast, multidimensional analysis of large amounts of data in data warehouses, data marts, or other centralized and integrated data stores.

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)

A database or collection of databases that centralizes business information for multiple applications and enables analysis and use throughout the organization.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

An interface that uses graphics such as icons to facilitate users to exchange information and interact with their computers.

Gaming Interface Engine (GIE)

Various interfaces used in the game - software that creates and manages elements such as menus, buttons, and icons.

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